
The primary step to higher yields

Soil cultivation offers the preparation of a proper seedbed for the crop to be planted into, by
burying the crop residue in the soil, controlling weeds, and mixing soil to ensure the crop has
enough water and nutrients to ensure proper growth


Perfect for fine seed-bed preparation

Our range of Rotary Tiller are suitable for every tyoe if soil conitions and are designed for maximum performance.


Stubble cultivation with perfect seedbed

High-speed work with low power requirements,  joint with versatile harrowing for light and medium soils.

Cultivator / Tiller

Deep cultivation for loosening compact soil

Cultivator for every farmers' need ranging from medium to hard soil & from stony to root obstructed soil

Sub Soiler

Hard pan soil breaking equipment with heavy duty design

Breaking hard pan soil for easy air circulation and efficient solution to water loging


Reliable rider for making ridres and bund

Tyne ridger and disc ridger produces adjustable rides for subsquent plantation of crops